import numpy as np
from motrackers.kalman_tracker import KFTracker2D, KFTrackerSORT, KFTracker4D
[docs]class Track:
Track containing attributes to track various objects.
frame_id (int): Camera frame id.
track_id (int): Track Id
bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability).
class_id (str or int): Class label id.
lost (int): Number of times the object or track was not tracked by tracker in consecutive frames.
iou_score (float): Intersection over union score.
data_output_format (str): Output format for data in tracker.
Options include ``['mot_challenge', 'visdrone_challenge']``. Default is ``mot_challenge``.
kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments.
count = 0
metadata = dict(
data_output_formats=['mot_challenge', 'visdrone_challenge']
def __init__(
assert data_output_format in Track.metadata['data_output_formats']
Track.count += 1 = track_id
self.detection_confidence_max = 0.
self.lost = 0
self.age = 0
self.update(frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost, iou_score=iou_score, **kwargs)
if data_output_format == 'mot_challenge':
self.output = self.get_mot_challenge_format
elif data_output_format == 'visdrone_challenge':
self.output = self.get_vis_drone_format
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0., **kwargs):
Update the track.
frame_id (int): Camera frame id.
bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability).
class_id (int or str): Class label id.
lost (int): Number of times the object or track was not tracked by tracker in consecutive frames.
iou_score (float): Intersection over union score.
kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments.
self.class_id = class_id
self.bbox = np.array(bbox)
self.detection_confidence = detection_confidence
self.frame_id = frame_id
self.iou_score = iou_score
if lost == 0:
self.lost = 0
self.lost += lost
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
self.detection_confidence_max = max(self.detection_confidence_max, detection_confidence)
self.age += 1
def centroid(self):
Return the centroid of the bounding box.
numpy.ndarray: Centroid (x, y) of bounding box.
return np.array((self.bbox[0]+0.5*self.bbox[2], self.bbox[1]+0.5*self.bbox[3]))
[docs] def predict(self):
Implement to prediction the next estimate of track.
raise NotImplemented
def print_all_track_output_formats():
[docs]class KFTrackSORT(Track):
Track based on Kalman filter tracker used for SORT MOT-Algorithm.
track_id (int): Track Id
frame_id (int): Camera frame id.
bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability).
class_id (str or int): Class label id.
lost (int): Number of times the object or track was not tracked by tracker in consecutive frames.
iou_score (float): Intersection over union score.
data_output_format (str): Output format for data in tracker.
Options ``['mot_challenge', 'visdrone_challenge']``. Default is ``mot_challenge``.
process_noise_scale (float): Process noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
measurement_noise_scale (float): Measurement noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments.
def __init__(self, track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0.,
data_output_format='mot_challenge', process_noise_scale=1.0, measurement_noise_scale=1.0, **kwargs):
bbz = np.array([bbox[0]+0.5*bbox[2], bbox[1]+0.5*bbox[3], bbox[2]*bbox[3], bbox[2]/float(bbox[3])])
self.kf = KFTrackerSORT(
bbz, process_noise_scale=process_noise_scale, measurement_noise_scale=measurement_noise_scale)
super().__init__(track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost,
iou_score=iou_score, data_output_format=data_output_format, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self):
Predicts the next estimate of the bounding box of the track.
numpy.ndarray: Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
if (self.kf.x[6] + self.kf.x[2]) <= 0:
self.kf.x[6] *= 0.0
x = self.kf.predict()
if x[2] * x[3] < 0:
return np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
w = np.sqrt(x[2] * x[3])
h = x[2] / float(w)
bb = np.array([x[0]-0.5*w, x[1]-0.5*h, w, h])
return bb
[docs] def update(self, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0., **kwargs):
frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost, iou_score=iou_score, **kwargs)
z = np.array([bbox[0]+0.5*bbox[2], bbox[1]+0.5*bbox[3], bbox[2]*bbox[3], bbox[2]/float(bbox[3])])
[docs]class KFTrack4DSORT(Track):
Track based on Kalman filter tracker used for SORT MOT-Algorithm.
track_id (int): Track Id
frame_id (int): Camera frame id.
bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability).
class_id (str or int): Class label id.
lost (int): Number of times the object or track was not tracked by tracker in consecutive frames.
iou_score (float): Intersection over union score.
data_output_format (str): Output format for data in tracker.
Options ``['mot_challenge', 'visdrone_challenge']``. Default is ``mot_challenge``.
process_noise_scale (float): Process noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
measurement_noise_scale (float): Measurement noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments.
def __init__(self, track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0.,
data_output_format='mot_challenge', process_noise_scale=1.0, measurement_noise_scale=1.0,
kf_time_step=1, **kwargs):
self.kf = KFTracker4D(
bbox.copy(), process_noise_scale=process_noise_scale, measurement_noise_scale=measurement_noise_scale,
super().__init__(track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost,
iou_score=iou_score, data_output_format=data_output_format, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self):
x = self.kf.predict()
bb = np.array([x[0], x[3], x[6], x[9]])
return bb
[docs] def update(self, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0., **kwargs):
frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost, iou_score=iou_score, **kwargs)
[docs]class KFTrackCentroid(Track):
Track based on Kalman filter used for Centroid Tracking of bounding box in MOT.
track_id (int): Track Id
frame_id (int): Camera frame id.
bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability).
class_id (str or int): Class label id.
lost (int): Number of times the object or track was not tracked by tracker in consecutive frames.
iou_score (float): Intersection over union score.
data_output_format (str): Output format for data in tracker.
Options ``['mot_challenge', 'visdrone_challenge']``. Default is ``mot_challenge``.
process_noise_scale (float): Process noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
measurement_noise_scale (float): Measurement noise covariance scale or covariance magnitude as scalar value.
kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments.
def __init__(self, track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0.,
data_output_format='mot_challenge', process_noise_scale=1.0, measurement_noise_scale=1.0, **kwargs):
c = np.array((bbox[0]+0.5*bbox[2], bbox[1]+0.5*bbox[3]))
self.kf = KFTracker2D(c, process_noise_scale=process_noise_scale, measurement_noise_scale=measurement_noise_scale)
super().__init__(track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost,
iou_score=iou_score, data_output_format=data_output_format, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict(self):
Predicts the next estimate of the bounding box of the track.
numpy.ndarray: Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, width, height) of the track.
s = self.kf.predict()
xmid, ymid = s[0], s[3]
w, h = self.bbox[2], self.bbox[3]
xmin = xmid - 0.5*w
ymin = ymid - 0.5*h
return np.array([xmin, ymin, w, h]).astype(int)
[docs] def update(self, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=None, lost=0, iou_score=0., **kwargs):
frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost, iou_score=iou_score, **kwargs)