Source code for motrackers.tracker

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance
from motrackers.utils.misc import get_centroid
from motrackers.track import Track

[docs]class Tracker: """ Greedy Tracker with tracking based on ``centroid`` location of the bounding box of the object. This tracker is also referred as ``CentroidTracker`` in this repository. Args: max_lost (int): Maximum number of consecutive frames object was not detected. tracker_output_format (str): Output format of the tracker. """ def __init__(self, max_lost=5, tracker_output_format='mot_challenge'): self.next_track_id = 0 self.tracks = OrderedDict() self.max_lost = max_lost self.frame_count = 0 self.tracker_output_format = tracker_output_format def _add_track(self, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id, **kwargs): """ Add a newly detected object to the queue. Args: frame_id (int): Camera frame id. bbox (numpy.ndarray): Bounding box pixel coordinates as (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) of the track. detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence of the object (probability). class_id (str or int): Class label id. kwargs (dict): Additional key word arguments. """ self.tracks[self.next_track_id] = Track( self.next_track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, data_output_format=self.tracker_output_format, **kwargs ) self.next_track_id += 1 def _remove_track(self, track_id): """ Remove tracker data after object is lost. Args: track_id (int): track_id of the track lost while tracking. """ del self.tracks[track_id] def _update_track(self, track_id, frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id, lost=0, iou_score=0., **kwargs): """ Update track state. Args: track_id (int): ID of the track. frame_id (int): Frame count. bbox (numpy.ndarray or list): Bounding box coordinates as `(xmin, ymin, width, height)`. detection_confidence (float): Detection confidence (a.k.a. detection probability). class_id (int): ID of the class (aka label) of the object being tracked. lost (int): Number of frames the object was lost while tracking. iou_score (float): Intersection over union. kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments. """ self.tracks[track_id].update( frame_id, bbox, detection_confidence, class_id=class_id, lost=lost, iou_score=iou_score, **kwargs ) @staticmethod def _get_tracks(tracks): """ Output the information of tracks. Args: tracks (OrderedDict): Tracks dictionary with (key, value) as (track_id, corresponding `Track` objects). Returns: list: List of tracks being currently tracked by the tracker. """ outputs = [] for trackid, track in tracks.items(): if not track.lost: outputs.append(track.output()) return outputs
[docs] @staticmethod def preprocess_input(bboxes, class_ids, detection_scores): """ Preprocess the input data. Args: bboxes (list or numpy.ndarray): Array of bounding boxes with each bbox as a tuple containing `(xmin, ymin, width, height)`. class_ids (list or numpy.ndarray): Array of Class ID or label ID. detection_scores (list or numpy.ndarray): Array of detection scores (a.k.a. detection probabilities). Returns: detections (list[Tuple]): Data for detections as list of tuples containing `(bbox, class_id, detection_score)`. """ new_bboxes = np.array(bboxes, dtype='float') new_class_ids = np.array(class_ids, dtype='int') new_detection_scores = np.array(detection_scores) new_detections = list(zip(new_bboxes, new_class_ids, new_detection_scores)) return new_detections
[docs] def update(self, bboxes, detection_scores, class_ids): """ Update the tracker based on the new bounding boxes. Args: bboxes (numpy.ndarray or list): List of bounding boxes detected in the current frame. Each element of the list represent coordinates of bounding box as tuple `(top-left-x, top-left-y, width, height)`. detection_scores(numpy.ndarray or list): List of detection scores (probability) of each detected object. class_ids (numpy.ndarray or list): List of class_ids (int) corresponding to labels of the detected object. Default is `None`. Returns: list: List of tracks being currently tracked by the tracker. Each track is represented by the tuple with elements `(frame_id, track_id, bb_left, bb_top, bb_width, bb_height, conf, x, y, z)`. """ self.frame_count += 1 if len(bboxes) == 0: lost_ids = list(self.tracks.keys()) for track_id in lost_ids: self.tracks[track_id].lost += 1 if self.tracks[track_id].lost > self.max_lost: self._remove_track(track_id) outputs = self._get_tracks(self.tracks) return outputs detections = Tracker.preprocess_input(bboxes, class_ids, detection_scores) track_ids = list(self.tracks.keys()) updated_tracks, updated_detections = [], [] if len(track_ids): track_centroids = np.array([self.tracks[tid].centroid for tid in track_ids]) detection_centroids = get_centroid(np.asarray(bboxes)) centroid_distances = distance.cdist(track_centroids, detection_centroids) track_indices = np.amin(centroid_distances, axis=1).argsort() for idx in track_indices: track_id = track_ids[idx] remaining_detections = [ (i, d) for (i, d) in enumerate(centroid_distances[idx, :]) if i not in updated_detections] if len(remaining_detections): detection_idx, detection_distance = min(remaining_detections, key=lambda x: x[1]) bbox, class_id, confidence = detections[detection_idx] self._update_track(track_id, self.frame_count, bbox, confidence, class_id=class_id) updated_detections.append(detection_idx) updated_tracks.append(track_id) if len(updated_tracks) == 0 or track_id is not updated_tracks[-1]: self.tracks[track_id].lost += 1 if self.tracks[track_id].lost > self.max_lost: self._remove_track(track_id) for i, (bbox, class_id, confidence) in enumerate(detections): if i not in updated_detections: self._add_track(self.frame_count, bbox, confidence, class_id=class_id) outputs = self._get_tracks(self.tracks) return outputs